Por Thozhil (2023) is a crime thriller film written by Alfred Prakash & Vignesh Raja and directed by Vignesh Raja and starring Sarath Kumar, Ashok Selvan, and Nikhila Vimal in lead roles. The film’s music is composed by Jakes Bejoy while cinematography is done by Kalaiselvan Sivaji and edited by Sreejith Sarang.
Por Thozhil Cast and Crew
Starcast | Sarath Kumar, Ashok Selvan, Nikhila Vimal and others |
Directed by | Vignesh Raja |
Written by | Alfred Prakash & Vignesh Raja |
Produced by | Sameer Nair, Deepak Segal |
Cinematography | Kalaiselvan Sivaji |
Edited by | Sreejith Sarang |
Music by | Jakes Bejoy |
Release Date | 9 June 2023 |
Running Time | 2h 24m |